
The Progression about Zone And Instance in Cataclysm

Cataclysm has several areas of new experience and a good few new dungeons to crawl through. Let's take a look, okay?

Mount Hyjal and Vashj'ir are two entry-level zones, both from level 80, and go to level 82 at the time they finish them. Hyjal is a very simple leveling experience with search of clues that takes him to wind his way down the front top henchmen of Ragnaros the Firelord, while Vashj'ir is divided into three sub-areas called the Forest Kelp'thar, Expansion bright, and the deep ocean. The main villains of these areas are the nagas that serve under Queen Azshara.

Around this point, will also be able to run two new dungeons, the Throne of the Tides (a sanctuary of Mr. Neptulon elemental water near Vashj'ir) and Blackrock Caves within the Black Rock Mountain Kingdoms del Este. Black Rock Caverns is an extensive report by Robert Allison. These are both 80-82 dungeons.

After performing one or both of these areas and dungeons mentioned above, you should be prepared and ready to Deepholm, the level of elementary and his wife land on Stonemother Therazane. Intended for level 82 and up, here you will find the machinations of agents Deathwing Twilight's Hammer and the consequences of the devastation and the destabilization they have caused.

Are entirely caused, too. Deepholm Inside, the cave where he meditated and register Deathwing in the world of Azeroth is the Stonecore, and is expected to reach level 82 and adventurers to its depths and plunder its treasures. That's something we do.

The Pinnacle Vortex is another prison at about the same level (82 to 84) as the Stonecore. The Vortex Pinnacle is where the armies of Al'Akir, lord of the basic air and the father of princes and Thundera Sarsarun, plot their assault on Uldum near Deathwing instances.

Uldum itself is your next stop. The mysterious Tol'vir are under siege Deathwing air elemental officials and archaeologists excavating the ancient ruins of the Titans treasures created. Two dungeons, halls of Origin and the Lost City of Tol'vir are in this area you have just rediscovered the ancient mystery secrets.You time lost should be at least 83 to start exploring this area, and I recommend 84 for dungeons.

At levels 84 and up, the highlands of Twilight awaits you, where plots Twilight's Hammer while Wildhammer Dragonmaw and bear the burden of their Horde and Alliance allies. In the ancient sanctuary of the Wildhammer, the fortress city of Grim Batol, the cult of Twilight and the threat of the Black Flight. Grim Batol dungeon for level 84 onwards.

In addition to the heroic modes of all the previous dungeons, there are two dungeons that you will be able to function as heroic acts, Dark in Silverpine and Deadmines in Westfall. Both have been heavily revised by the changes caused by the rupture of Azeroth, and his heroic challenge will test the heroes, even with experience. You must be level 85 and have been prepared in non heroic dungeons before you try these heroic or other cataclysm.

And there's your luck. Have a happy day and have a good day in the new game, everyone! Thank you!

SOURCE: http://exden.com/singles/index.php?p=blogs/viewstory/269325

