
WOW-Each Profession's Ability to Make Gold I

To help players make more gold in world of warcraft, especially for new players, here i'd like to describe in detail each profession's ability to make gold in wow, hope you can benefit from them.


Know what you are doing with Alchemy wow, it will not only make you lots of gold but also save you lots, because you'll be able to make your own pots and flasks for raids and won't have to pay any mark up on them. There are three main ways to make wow gold with Alchemy:

Transmutes-You can transmute diamonds for a pretty decent price easily, you can also transmute bars. Flasks and potions seems to be much more lucrative, but you may have a different experience on your server.

Potions-Since people are always in constant need of potions, and are not as careful to use them as sparingly as flasks, it's a good choice for you to sell them. Because of this, they are usually easy to sell on the Auction House quickly. Healing and mana potions are absolutely needed for some players, try to get lots of them.

Flasks-For flasks, because they costs more to make and more expensive than potions, so there is less demand for them. In some server, Pure Mojo and Endless Rage flasks work pretty well to sell, try to find your own out in our server.


There is always a great demand for food, if you don't have cooking i strongly recommand you to pick it up, it's a decent way to make wow gold and there is no need for you to farm meat or fish if you don't want to, there is always plenty on the Auction House. Here are some good ways to make gold with Cooking:

Food-Your best chances for making gold are selling foods that players really want, it's worthful for you to do the dailies to build up a solid list of recipes that are in high demand so that you can maximize your gold potential.

Spices-If on some day you are really lack of gold you can always consider selling the spices you get from doing dailies on the Auction House. If you are in need of spices for making food don't forget to stock up when you see a cheap deal on the Auction House or save them to sell later!

Dailies-For Cooking dailies are basically very easy, they will help you earn more gold as you have more and better recipes. There are often times when you are waiting for a group to start or for a raid that you can quickly run out and do a Cooking daily when otherwise you would have simply been sitting in Dalaran doing nothing much.


Enchanting is one of the professions that is almost a sure bet to make a lot of gold, even if you just disenchant items and sell them on the Auction House. There are two great ways to make gold with Enchanting:

Selling Enchants-There’s always a good demand for enchants because Blizzard is always putting new gear into the game and as players upgrade they need their enchants! To really maximize your gold potential be sure to get enchants that aren't trained by the trainer. Only by having different enchants you can use almost the same mats to do an enchant but make a ton more gold if you have more rare or desired patterns.

Disenchanting-You can buy greens or perhaps even blues off the Auction House to disenchant for mats and then sell those but be careful as you might not always come out ahead doing this. Or you can take a high level character through some lower level instances and loot greens and blues and disenchant them for mats. Otherwise, always remember to disenchant any blue, greens, and purples of course instead of wastefully selling to the vendor.

First Aid

there is a way to turn a profit with First Aid by first buying or farming cloth, crafting it into bandages, and then selling it to a vendor. But you must get a cheap deal on the price of cloth to make doing this worth while. This also doesn’t work for every type of cloth, as some stacks of cloth may sell to the vendor for more than the bandages.


Herbalism is a decent way to make gold. It received a boost in its gold making potential when Wrath was released since Inscription requires herbs. If you don't already have the Gatherer addon I suggest you get it because it will show you all the places you've collected herbs from before and can be very useful when going back to zones. Here I show you a way to make gold by Herbalism:

Collecting Herbs-To do this you need to know which items are popular, if you collect unhot items it may waste your time. Gathering the highest level items can always be your choice. Try to collect herbs like Icethorn, Lich Bloom, and really any Wrath of the Lich King era herb, but choose a proper time to do so.

Here is the part one, more professions pls see the next passage. To make gold, be sure to specialize in what you do the most, so you are fully utilizing your specialization as much as possible.

About WGT Online:
WGT Online (Wow-gold-team.com) offers World of Warcraft gold, Aion kinah, Star Trek Online energy credits, Final Fantasy XI gil, Age of Conan gold and EverQuest II platinum. It also just expanded its services to include Vanguard gold, Lineage II adena, Eve Online isk and Allods Online gold.

