
The Special View of the Mists of Pandaria beta II

This is the second part. You can read it if you have read the first part. But if you did not read the last one, I do suggest you to read it advanced.

Despite being crammed with over 300,000 people, the beta servers are holding up quite well. Big Bear Butt wrote up a wonderful and also spoiler-free review of the beta so far, and he's got some good advice for those that get in -- don't roll a pandaren, at least not yet. The starting areas are very, very crowded. Everyone wants to see what the pandaren look like and play through the starting zone, so it's a bit choked at quest points, to say the least. However, despite the choking, the servers are still performing admirably, especially given the number of players crammed on them at any given point in time.

Gameplay is smooth, and the new talent trees are pretty cool. It's a little odd to have so few choices for talents, especially when you're coming from seven years of having a multitude of talents to choose from, but there's really no reason to worry or get worked up about it. Remember the end of Wrath, when everyone suddenly went from a multitude of talents to a much smaller number? It's exactly like that, only a much smoother transition. I remember it took me ages at the end of Wrath to pick which talents I wanted to switch to after the talent trees were cropped. On the beta, it only took me a few seconds, and I was on my way.

Beta quests

The days of linear Cataclysm questing seem to be gone, which should be a relief to those who didn't care for it. The Jade Forest is balanced between a main storyline and several smaller storylines that branch off. You don't have to complete those branching storylines at all to finish the zone -- but they're cool enough that you may want to go find them all. And Blizzard's made it way, way easier to find everything there is to see so you aren't just searching blindly if you don't want to.

That’s all for the second part and if you want to improve your knowledge about the World of Warcraft, you would better continue to read the next part. Hope these will be helpful to you and good luck!

