
Preview the Races of Guild Wars 2 IV


The final race I was able to experience was the Charr. A feline species from Ascalon, they have proven themselves to be tactical geniuses and masters at waging war. Originally united under the banner of the Flame Legion, the Titan-worshipping Charr drove humanity from Ascalon, the land they had originally occupied. In the following years, the Titans were revealed as false gods and many of buy gw2 gold the Charr renounced their faith to start their own legions: Iron, Blood, and Ash. Each of these groups work together for the betterment of the race, but the Flame Legion remain loyal to their fiery Gods, causing chaos and spreading disorder wherever they can.

One of the only places the Charr have been unable to conquer is Ascalon City. Populated by ghosts unleashed when the King of Ascalon brought forth the Foefire, Charr forces have been unable to win a decisive victory against a foe that continues to return from the dead. Nevertheless, they have become experts with war technology, inventing siege engines and firearms and spreading them throughout the world.

The Charr capital I spent the most time in was the Black Citadel, headquarters of the Iron Legion. As ominous looking as it sounds, the Black Citadel is a huge dark sphere made of metal which houses the forges where weapons are built along, traders, merchants and even an underground coliseum to house gladiatorial battles. The citadel was original built upon the ruins of the human city of Rin, of which you can still find remnants.

The beginner area of the Charr was by far the most interesting, and the most difficult of the bunch. It started with simple tasks like cleaning up tools and slaying vermin, but quickly lead to taking down garrisons of Flame Legion troops and fighting the ghosts of Ascalonian heroes in an underground tomb. One mission allowed me to become a Charr version of Peter Venkman, capturing spirits in homage to Ghostbusters.

To fans of the original Guild Wars, the Charr is the race to choose if you want nostalgia. As I headed east, further into Ascalon, the map continued to expand. I walked through the same fields I had many years ago and found myself in the haunted ruins of Ascalon City. It made me sad to see the place in such a sad state, but this emotion was quickly removed by the large number of restless ghosts after my blood.

So yeah, the Charr are awesome. Don’t write them off as some lame cat-people who sit around licking themselves all day, because they’re the go-getters of Tyria. If they want something, they’ll take it, so you better hope they don’t come knocking at your door.

As you can tell, I barely scratched the surface of these three races during my time over the weekend. There is so much content already stuffed into this game and we’ve only seen the first few starting zones. There are still two completely new races left for us to discover! If this beta weekend proved anything to me, it’s that Guild Wars 2 is a game to look out for, and other MMOs better start looking over their shoulders at how things should be done.

That’s all for this article and I think after you read this article; you may have a basic understanding about the Guild War 2. Actually if you have decided to play this game after the release, you’d better try to know more about it and make yourself in a better situation. You can pre-order the Cheap Guild Wars 2 Gold and some other items. Good luck!

Source: http://www.gametree.org/sharetronix/zyanwei88

