
Guild Wars2 Warrior Weapons

Greatsword: The heaviest weapon of warrior damage. It has a high mobility due to its two sorts of travel (Rush / Whirlwind attack). It is great in the fighting of the team because of the large RADIUS swing sword until it is constantly hitting several people. As destruction that it applies also lot of Guild Wars 2 Gold pressure to your opponents when you get a few shots off, because they may fall relatively low.
Longbow: viable step in an environment structured PvP, little damage spells and difficult to land.
Hammer: Can effectively CC your opponents with different capacities, including the jurisdiction of bursting. It can be used to help the allies inflicted damage to strong enemies which must be CCED. The only disadvantage of hammering, is that capacity on the hammer are Visual and slow which makes it easier to predict / escape.
Rifle: A little more viable than the Arc, but the same issue shines through, moderate damage, not enough the usefulness and the jurisdiction of bursting is very difficult to achieve.
Axe: A very offensive weapon which has one of the most damaging skills burst on all weapons. It is a very deadly weapon when with line / adapted to power / critical hit damage.
Mace: The mace is a very defensive/CC oriented weapon. It has a multitude of stun and dazes, which makes it a strong weapon to set up burst combos and interrupt heals, channeling spells, and rezzing.
Sword: A weapon is the hand that gives the warrior with capabilities to finance its deficit, it has the potential to inflict a large number of piles of bleeding and it's fragmented skills "Flurry" is effective damage output.
Shield: A defensive weapon Cavalier that gives you the ability to stun and the block. It is a weapon that is beneficial in who will survive your enemy and held out the damage.
Warhorn: a weapon of support, which Buy GW2 Gold gives your loved by speed and the allied force. It benefits greatly the mobility.

